Governing policies and guidelines

MERN Governance
MERN is a national umbrella network for member NGOs in Myanmar. Membership is open to organizations registered, or in the process of being registered, with the Myanmar government and that are implementing or supporting on-going programs in Myanmar on issues related to the environment as per the MERN Charter, 2014. MERN governance is open only to MERN members, elected by member organizations, but has provisions for outside advisors. As per the MERN Charter 2014, MERN’s mandate and scope of work is to follow its vision and mission. MERN has an updated Charter, which the governance board (Central Executive Committee) is obliged to follow. Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation Conservation Network (MERN) List of Central Executive Committee (Current) Sr. Name CEC Post at MERN Post in Mother Organization Remark 1 Daw May Aye Shwe Acting Chairperson (Vice Chairperson-II) Secretary ECLOF    2 U Tin Aung Moe Secretary Chairman, ECCDI    3 Dr. Thiri Dawei Aung Treasurer Chairman, BANCA    4 Daw Yi Yi Win CEC Member Chairman, SVS   5 U Myint Aung CEC Member Chairman, FOW    
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2015-2018 Strategic Plan
Build a strong network of effective member organizations which collaborates, shares information, knowledge and resources and contributes to active dialogue on environmental issues and policies The three-year strategic plan for the Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation-conservation Network (MERN) for the period 2015-2018, marks a significant change for the network and its members with a new direction and focus which is set out in the SP goal. The strategic plan recognizes that MERN is member based, demonstrated by the consultation and dialogue during its development and approval, as well as the direction of its objectives and activities. The focus of the SP considers three important factors; 1.After many years of being closed to the rest of the world under military rule, change in Myanmar has, and is, occurring rapidly. 2.Because of Myanmar’s unique history there is a young and weak CSO sector with limited experience in international standards of governance and management, international development practices and standards, and generally low technical knowledge on the environment and its management, which is affecting program effectiveness and efficiency and organization sustainability. 3.The importance to Myanmar and its people of a strong and functioning environmental network. In the NA MERN members clearly felt strongly that they needed support and capacity building in a range and MERN, as the network, should focus more on its members and facilitate that support. MERN has responded by consulting widely in the formation of this SP as well as agreeing on a number of member focused principles contained in it. MERN and its members have formulated five objectives to achieve the strategic goal; SP OBJECTIVE 1: Capacity of MERN & its members in governance, management & sustainability raised and maintained to meet international standards. SP OBJECTIVE 2: Networking and information sharing between MERN, its members and other key partners developed and maintained. SP OBJECTIVE 3: Policy development, engagement, advocacy and media enhanced. SP OBJECTIVE 4: Develop the MERN network as a leader and strong voice on environment issues by promoting awareness and information and fostering collaboration and coordination. SP OBJECTIVE 5: Institutional capacity and sustainability of MERN strengthened. Detailed activities, a work plan and an indicative budget will be developed by the MERN executive. Three important factors will be needed for the full and effective implementation of this strategic plan; Recognition by donors and stakeholders that long term funding, as well as mentoring and guidance will be needed to build a strong and vibrant environmental network. Active participation by members in all areas of the network. Commitment by the MERN governance board (who represent all the members) to ensure that the SP and its principles are followed. As part of the Strategic Plan implementation, a range of necessary policies and guidelines are planned for the future. The Strategic Plan is intended to be implemented in January 2016
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