MERN Governance

MERN Governance

MERN is a national umbrella network for member NGOs in Myanmar. Membership is open to organizations registered, or in the process of being registered, with the Myanmar government and that are implementing or supporting on-going programs in Myanmar on issues related to the environment as per the MERN Charter, 2014.

MERN governance is open only to MERN members, elected by member organizations, but has provisions for outside advisors. As per the MERN Charter 2014, MERN’s mandate and scope of work is to follow its vision and mission. MERN has an updated Charter, which the governance board (Central Executive Committee) is obliged to follow.

Myanmar Environment Rehabilitation Conservation Network (MERN)
List of Central Executive Committee (2022-2024)

Sr. Name CEC Post at MERN Post in Mother Organization Remark
1 Daw May Aye Shwe Acting Chairperson
(Vice Chairperson-II)
Secretary ECLOF
2 U Tin Aung Moe Secretary Chairman, ECCDI
3 Dr. Thiri Dawei Aung Treasurer Chairman, BANCA
4 Daw Yi Yi Win CEC Member Chairman, SVS
5 U Myint Aung CEC Member Chairman, FOW
6 Dr. Maung Maung Kyi CEC Member Chairman, RCA
7 U Kyi Soe CEC Member Joint Secretary
8 U Win Myo Thu Chairman Executive Director, ALARM Long leave for medication
9 U Htun Paw Oo Vice Chairperson-I Vice Chairperson, ECCDI Requested for resignation

Note: U Win Myo Thu took the long leave for medication since the beginning of 2022 and handed over the chairmanship to U Htun Paw Oo, Vice Chairperson-I. However, U Htun Paw Oo sent the request for resignation from CEC in April 2023. However, re-election for CEC hasn’t done yet because of the Annual General Meeting hasn’t held yet.