With regard to the financial situation, the initial amount of USD 50,000 which was funded by Pyoe Pin Program-DFID for setting up of the Secretariat and capacity building activities for member organization. Furthermore 350,000 USD has been granted from Pyoe Pin to MERN for overall project implementation. The following Small Grant Projects are implemented by member organizations with the Pyoe Pin budget.

“Southern Shan State, Southern Rakhine State, Chin State, Ayeyarwady Region, and Bago Region” Project
Implement By | (Jointly Implemented by MERN and 6 partner organizations) MERN Facilitate & Coordinate the program |
Budget | USD 600,000 |
Project Area | Southern Shan State, Southern Rakhine State, Chin State, Ayeyarwady Region, and Bago Region |
Project Period | Dec 2013 to Dec 2017 |
Project Activities | Smallholders (Community Forest User Groups), communities and indigenous people’s organizations have improved their livelihoods and the decision-making over forest and farm landscapes • Strengthen smallholder, women, community and Indigenous Peoples’ producer organizations for business/livelihoods and policy engagement • Catalyze multi-sectoral stakeholder policy platforms with governments at local and national level • Link local voices and learning to the global level through genuine participatory processes, communication and information sharing |
“Professional service for implementation of sub-national consultation workshops for national REDD+ strategy development process” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 203,237,040 (Equivalent US$ 149,439) |
Project Area | 15 State and Regions including Nay Pyi Taw |
Project Period | 1 Dec 2017 to 31 May 2018 |
Project Activities | • Communicating with Regional and State Forest Department for the necessary arrangements for holding the consultation workshop • Presenting the REDD+ draft strategy, priorities and measures, and facilitating the consultation workshop • Collecting the suggestion and feedback from participants and preparing the workshop reports • Preparing sub-national consultation workshop report for updating the draft REDD+ strategy development |
“Building Collective Voices and Actions for Smallholder Farmers in Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Right-based Organization Development in Southern Shan State, Myanmar” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | Eqv. Sek to USD 300,000 |
Project Area | Ywangan, Pindaya, Aungban, Nyaung Shwe, Pinlaung townships in Southern Shan State |
Project Period | 1 Jan 2018 to 30 June 2020 |
Project Activities | • Sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture production • Inclusive financial services and resources • Women entrepreneurship • Farmer organizations being market driven and representing for farmer rights • Farmer rights protected by an enabling policy environment |
“Participatory development of a Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Work Programme for 2020-2021 for Myanmar through an inclusive process of multi-stakeholder dialogue” GCP/GLO/397/EC” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 163,899,000 (eqv. US$ 100,000) |
Project Area | 15 States & Regions |
Project Period | 7 Feb 2020 to 7 Aug 2020 (will be extended due to Covid-19 situation) |
Project Activities | To develop a FAO-EU FLEGT Work Programme for Myanmar that defines priority activities, which reflect the aspirations of relevant stakeholders from the national, regional and state levels • Output 1: Technical capacity built for conducting the multi-stakeholder dialogue process • Output 2: Participatory and inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue to develop and finalize a FAO-EU FLEGT Work Programme for Myanmar • Output 3: Relevant information and consistent with the EU FLEGT Action Plan is disseminated to stakeholders in a coordinated and transparent manner • Output 4: Monitoring, evaluation and visibility framework developed, and communication and visibility is ensured throughout the project |