#WinningWednesday, we turn to Win Nyunt, a local champion of the Small Grants Programme by the ACB (SGP) in restoring the mangrove forest in the buffer zone of Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary (MKWS), one of the
ASEAN Heritage Parks in

With the help of the SGP grantee
MERN Myanmar, Win and other representatives from 11 villages formed the central revolving fund management committee which oversees the selection, distribution of grants, and monitoring of the supported livelihood projects on crab fattening and duck and pig-raising among the local communities adjacent to MKWS. Beneficiaries of the revolving fund will repay within the year, while the profit earned will be used for enrichment planting and gap planting activities to restore the mangroves in MKWS.
The SGP is an initiative supported by the
#KfW Development Bank to sustain biodiversity and support the livelihoods of local communities within and around select AHPs in Indonesia, Myanmar, and Viet Nam.