With regard to the financial situation, the initial amount of USD 50,000 which was funded by Pyoe Pin Program-DFID for setting up of the Secretariat and capacity building activities for member organization. Furthermore 350,000 USD has been granted from Pyoe Pin to MERN for overall project implementation. The following Small Grant Projects are implemented by member organizations with the Pyoe Pin budget.

“Building Capacity and Strengthening Voice of Local NGOs for Improved Environmental Governance in Myanmar” Project
Implement By | Jointly Implemented by MERN and IUCN in which IUCN is only support for technical backstopping |
Budget | EUR 450,000 |
Project Area | MERN Headquarter in Yangon and it Members |
Project Period | Sep 2013 to Aug 2017 |
Project Activities | Effective and inclusive participation of local civil society in sustainable natural resources management in Myanmar • Capacity of MERN to support members through networking, information sharing, and management of a Small Grant Program • Capacity of MERN's members to design and implement field projects, network with peers, and advocate policies at local levels • Capacity of MERN and its members to research and analyze policies and participate in national level policy dialogue and engage media • Deliver management, technical, and operational support to MERN to ensure effective project implementation, outreach, and communications |
“Organizing an Elephant Parade Event in Yangon, Myanmar on 5 December 2013” Project
Implement By | MERN |
Budget | EUR 16,188 |
Project Area | Yangon |
Project Period | Nov 2013 to Dec 2013 |
Project Activities | - Increase awareness among the participants (and schoolchildren) on the importance of forests, and their inhabitants, especially the elephants; - Through media coverage of an interesting event, help to spread international awareness of Myanmar’s unique heritage of using elephants for timber harvesting and contribute to their future protection; - Cooperate with Myanmar government and counterparts to highlight the need for planning for the well-being of the logging elephants in Myanmar and for sustainable forestry practices; - Contribute towards Myanmar’s future collaboration with the EU. |
“Establishment of Regional level Community Forest Products Producer Association in Rakhine, Supporting MERN Membership Process for Forest and Farm Producer Groups and Developing an Effective Communication and Engagement Strategy” Project
Implement By | MERN |
Budget | USD 73,930 |
Project Area | Southern Rakhine & MERN HQ in Yangon |
Project Period | 16 Feb 2015 to 28 Feb 2016 |
Project Activities | Establishing a state level producer association from existing community forestry user groups to engage in a national level cross-sectoral platform, while simultaneously strengthening MERN’s membership and communication strategy - Strengthened human resources capacity of MERN and MERN membership process for forest and farm producer groups is operational - Communication strategy for existing and new members, including for the engagement and development of forest and farm producers groups, is established - Existing Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) in Kyeintali and Gwa in Southern Rakhine region are strengthened for business development planning - Regional level Community Forest Products Producer Association (CFPPA) is well functioning in Rakhine region |
“Establishment of National Level Community Forestry Practitioner Network through the support of MERN for strengthening the Community Forestry National Working Group of Myanmar (CFNWG)” Project
Implement By | MERN |
Budget | USD 30,000 |
Project Area | CFPN, Yangon and other regions |
Project Period | Jun 2016 to July 2016 (Extended to Sep 2016) |
Project Activities | Establishing a national level community forest practitioner network through the support to MERN for implementing the Forest & Farm Facility program activities in Myanmar |
“Enhancing the Community Forestry Development in Myanmar through strengthening CFNWG and CFPPAs” Projcet
Implement By | MERN |
Budget | USD 100,000 |
Project Area | MERN HQ-Ygn, CFNWG-Npt, Training at CFDTC |
Project Period | 15 Sep 2017 to 15 Dec 2017 |
Project Activities | - “FFPO business incubator Unit” is formed at MERN and supporting the organizational supports and business development supports for CFPPAs - Increased capacities of CFPPAs in organizational management and business development - The CFNWG secretariat is strengthened to promote innovative approaches to advance Community forestry in Myanmar - Moving forward of CF development through the implementation of planned activities |
“Professional service for implementation of sub-national consultation workshops for national REDD+ strategy development process” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 203,237,040 (Equivalent US$ 149,439) |
Project Area | 15 State and Regions including Nay Pyi Taw |
Project Period | 1 Dec 2017 to 31 May 2018 |
Project Activities | • Communicating with Regional and State Forest Department for the necessary arrangements for holding the consultation workshop • Presenting the REDD+ draft strategy, priorities and measures, and facilitating the consultation workshop • Collecting the suggestion and feedback from participants and preparing the workshop reports • Preparing sub-national consultation workshop report for updating the draft REDD+ strategy development |
“Participatory development of a Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Work Programme for 2020-2021 for Myanmar through an inclusive process of multi-stakeholder dialogue” GCP/GLO/397/EC” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 163,899,000 (eqv. US$ 100,000) |
Project Area | 15 States & Regions |
Project Period | 7 Feb 2020 to 7 Aug 2020 (will be extended due to Covid-19 situation) |
Project Activities | To develop a FAO-EU FLEGT Work Programme for Myanmar that defines priority activities, which reflect the aspirations of relevant stakeholders from the national, regional and state levels • Output 1: Technical capacity built for conducting the multi-stakeholder dialogue process • Output 2: Participatory and inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue to develop and finalize a FAO-EU FLEGT Work Programme for Myanmar • Output 3: Relevant information and consistent with the EU FLEGT Action Plan is disseminated to stakeholders in a coordinated and transparent manner • Output 4: Monitoring, evaluation and visibility framework developed, and communication and visibility is ensured throughout the project |
“provision of services partially fulfilling activities contributing to Outcomes 1 and 2 of the UN-REDD Initiative on “Sustainable Forest Trade in the Lower Mekong Region (SFT LMR)” as part of UNJP/GLO/795/UNJ” Project
Implement By | Implemented by MERN HQ team |
Budget | USD 50,000 |
Project Area | Yangon, Bago |
Project Period | 15.3.2022 to 31.05.2023 |
Project Activities | Strengthened bilateral and regional cooperation in place to facilitate legal and sustainable trade in forest products across the Lower Mekong Region and China, specifically with regard to Output 1.6 “Communications campaigns developed, to raise public awareness and incite social and behavior change on forest crime” - Development of communication campaign plan, IEC and implementation of communication campaign plan with regard to sustainable forest trade Improved forest governance for legal and sustainable trade of forest related products, specifically with regards to Output 2.6 “Community-based groups and smallholders enabled to access legal and sustainable forest product value chains” - Identification of CFs with potential for legal timber harvesting, including data on their location, forest area, registration status - CF inventory data for eventual input into CF database - technical assistance to CFs for legal timber harvests |
“Community-based Trees Planting Campaign” Project
Implement By | MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 41,096,000 (eqv. USD 19,569) |
Project Area | Tike Gyi Township, Yangon Region and Amar Township, Ayeyarwady Region |
Project Period | 1 Sep 2023 to 31 Mar 2024 |
Project Activities | The project aims to provide an opportunity for restoration activities in CFs by ensuring the protection of the planted trees, to enhance awareness of conservation knowledge, and to contribute to the mitigation of climate change impacts. - Planting trees in both targeted areas - Raising awareness of conservation knowledge |
“Strengthening the Leader of NRM-CSOs-Network to be more resilient, develop and engage in conservation and rehabilitation actions in Myanmar” Project
Implement By | MERN HQ team |
Budget | MMK 90,880,121 (eqv USD 26,951) |
Project Area | MERN Network & its’ strategic plan (Yangon) |
Project Period | 1 Mar 2024 to 31 Jun 2024 |
Project Activities | To achieve the Strategic Goal of MERN “Build a strong network of effective member organizations which collaborates, shares information, knowledge and resources and contributes to active dialogue on environmental issues and policies”. |
Provision of services partially fulfilling activities contributing to Outcomes 1 and 2 of the UN-REDD Initiative on “Sustainable Forest Trade in the Lower Mekong Region (SFT LMR)” as part of UNJP/GLO/795/UNJ
Implement By | MERN HQ Team |
Budget | USD 50,000 |
Project Area | Yangon, Bago |
Project Period | 15.3.2022 to 31.05.2023 |
Project Activities | Strengthened bilateral and regional cooperation in place to facilitate legal and sustainable trade in forest products across the Lower Mekong Region and China, specifically with regard to Output 1.6 “Communications campaigns developed, to raise public awareness and incite social and behavior change on forest crime” - Development of communication campaign plan, IEC and implementation of communication campaign plan with regard to sustainable forest trade Improved forest governance for legal and sustainable trade of forest related products, specifically with regards to Output 2.6 “Community-based groups and smallholders enabled to access legal and sustainable forest product value chains” - Identification of CFs with potential for legal timber harvesting, including data on their location, forest area, registration status - CF inventory data for eventual input into CF database - technical assistance to CFs for legal timber harvests |
Strengthening the Leader of NRM-CSOs-Network to be more resilient, develop and engage in conservation and rehabilitation actions in Myanmar
Implement By | MERN HQ Team |
Budget | MMK 90,880,121 (eqv USD 26,951) |
Project Area | Yangon |
Project Period | 1 Mar 2024 to 31 Jun 2024 |
Project Activities | To achieve the Strategic Goal of MERN “Build a strong network of effective member organizations which collaborates, shares information, knowledge and resources and contributes to active dialogue on environmental issues and policies”. |